Vegan Pizza

The other day I was craving a pizza but I didn’t want to eat a bunch of cheese, oil and other crap. So I went grocery shopping and picked up Daiya Mozerella cheese to put on my pizza because it’s a vegan cheese and melts really well. I picked up some of my favorite toppings like black olives, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and garlic. You can pick out your own toppings that you want. This is a super easy meal to make and tastes soooo good.


Pizza Crust (I just picked up a vegan already made crust at Target)

Pizza Sauce

Daiya Mozerella Cheese




Black Olives

Garlic (I chopped mine into little pieces)

Pre-heat oven to 350 while you put your pizza together. Cook for 25 minutes and you’ve got a delicious pizza! I had mine for leftovers for 2 more days and it was still good each day 🙂 Enjoy!


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